Monday, May 30
Back on the road again...

The Sami got washed!! Posted by Hello

Despues de ardua labor, el Suzuki Samurai ya camina, tiene seguro y una matricula temporal! Asi que hoy le lavamos (o mas bien el Brock le lavo y yo documente el asunto) , le aspiramos los seis años de basura de adentro y ya esta FLAMANTE! Ahora queda nada mas que pase las emisiones y sera totalmente legal... Hacer click en la foto para verle en detalle.

Yes... The glory of the Sami has been restored... No more spiders. It even smells good now.
posted by alex at 8:27 PM |


At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Was that a car sitting all this time there on your garage??? I thought it was like a toolbox or a squirrel motel or something, I mean it looked like a car but I could've sworn the engine was long gone and replaced by beach chairs, wrenches, monica's old calentadores, etc but it looks awsome!!!!!! good luck with the smoke tests!!!
Veronica (the cousin with the annoying schnauzer)

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
que les quedo lindo!!!
good work Brock!!!!!


At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
hola Alex..!!!
Te mando un abrazo

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
El Samurai te llevara donde ningub otro 4x4 puede llegar, aquí en Chile lo sabemos muy bien.... ve a la sima de la montaña y veras por ub Samurai se lleva en el corazon por siempre....

Felicitaciones. Pancho