Monday, July 27
Sandy! In Seattle!

Awesome Sandy came to visit, and she brought her minion, Rob! We had a blast, here's the first batch!

Sculpture Park

Chasing Rob around...

West Seattle look out points


Then we found this at a deli, haha, I almost had one, but I guess I'm not allowed..

And baaaci! Love them!

posted by alex at 9:16 PM | 3 comments

Catching up!!!
A -little- while ago, we got to hang out with friends from out of town and we got to visit a very neat place where they had classic video games galore, booze for all, and all sorts of meatless dishes (meat-less you say?) that were finger-licking-awesome. Also, during this too-short-period, Brock got to ride his first Seattle bus! Please, join us,

posted by alex at 10:45 PM | 1 comments

Yes, I've been stuck under something heavy, but I'm coming out from underneath to bring you: "The Triiip to Waallaaa Waaallaaa" (in TechniColor). I went with Moss to visit the cousins and to give a little wife vacation to mister Brock and his trusty sidekick Dexter.

Except for this one, this one's not Walla Walla, but hey, I'm behind and this one's getting old.
This is at Lincoln Park:

Dulce de Guayaba! en tarrina!
(lots was had)

Echo and Tasha. Sweeties!


Wiiiiine taaastiiiing....
(lots was had)

Ahhh, a real Summer!

Frolicking with the kids in bed

Moss seems to be taking this frolicking to unsafe territory

Stroll to Farmer's Market

Llapingachos and Mote Pillo for the BBQ at Maggi's friends'

(insert close encounters theme music here)

How many people does it take to moisten a dog?

(loooots was had)

Fireworks!! (4th of July, obv, this is how late I am today)

Not too shabby seeing as I took these with my little point and shoot and no tripod...

Ride back home, cuddling with monkey!

Yay! Also during this trip, Maggi took me on my very first run outside in the non-treadmill-world. No pix of that though. So you'll just have to imagine the glorious dripping mess I looked like after. I'm sure your mind will do me justice.
posted by alex at 12:08 AM | 2 comments