Wednesday, January 23
Winter So Far

Hi all!

Well now that my all consuming job is over, I have time to give a little update and show you what we've been up to (what little pictures we've taken):

One day we went to this one park here in West Seattle, near the water. It was amazing, it was over cast and the sea was gray so when we got to the edge here it seemed as if there was nothing beyond the trees. As if the world ended there. Then my eyes adjusted and saw the horizon and then we found some land on the other side...

We had a little picnic, walked around, went back home.

This seems to be my one and only look this winter. My green jacket and my blue hat.... I have washed them, in case you were wondering...

One day when I was feeling particularly cold. Note the wire for the heat pad.

A couple weekends ago, I fixed my dude one of his favorites, DUTCH BABIES! This me on a Saturday morning. In my pj's and no make up.

We drove some 30 miles north of here, to a place called Arlington, just to see what's up there. There was a clear sky and ALL around us there were snow covered mountains. This place is so cool!

Since we're not in the hotness of L.A. we're letting Dexter grow his hair. He's beginning to look like the hermit on top of the mountain. Ask him anything, he'll show you the way.



posted by alex at 5:40 PM | 2 comments

Tuesday, January 1
Mom + Christmas = HAPPY!

Our first winter in the North West! We had our first snow and my mom came to visit! We spent Christmas at Maggi's home in Walla Walla, and except for the trip there (too much snow!) we had the bestest of times.

Maggi and Brock, our first snow

Sunset with the Space Needle

Our drive to Walla Walla.
No pictures of Brock putting the chains on the tires
because it was too damn cold to think of such things.

Mommy and the Pup!

Beer and family in Walla Walla (in that order)

Dexter and Echo during a brief truce

Sweet Echo

The ladies preparing the foods

(not the season but who gives a hoot!)

Happy familys :)

Drive back, Mom's POV

Kubota Gardens, reprise

Space Needle, the Mom

Floating homes on Lake Union.
The one near my mom is the one Tom Hanks' character lived in, in Sleepless in Seattle.
posted by alex at 12:22 PM | 2 comments