Sunday, March 26
You, Handsome Devil You!

Holly crap, he's the cutest thing ever...
posted by alex at 11:08 PM | 0 comments

My name Dexter. Eat big dong.
posted by alex at 10:04 PM | 4 comments

Se ha de estar yendo a Sua por semana santa....

Atras lleva el agua "de tomar"...
Y la Xime va adelante "abriendo paso"...

posted by alex at 9:39 PM | 1 comments

Saturday, March 11
Adopted Tiger!

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and play with Bliger, my newly adopted virtual tiger! He likes to purr, so just give him a nudge!

posted by alex at 11:27 PM | 1 comments

Thank goodness! Though you're gonna have to believe me because I'm not posting some boring pictures of some fine looking walls... so just go with it...
posted by alex at 11:25 PM | 1 comments

Thursday, March 2
New Plumbing!

A hurricane went through today and left us new pipes! Now we can shower and wash the dishes and actually get the dirt off, but it's kind of drafty due to the MASSIVE HOLES IN THE WALLS!

under the kitchen sink:

behind ze toilet:

ze bathroom wall:

you can see the kitchen from the bathroom!
posted by alex at 10:08 PM | 2 comments