This is a place I keep to share with friends and family the fun
times we have and whatever other weirdness happens to fly by when one
of us is holding a camera.♥♥♥
Click on images for larger versions!♥♥♥
Comments are highly encouraged!♥♥♥
Soooo, we were driving around, and Brock goes "It DOES say No Turks!! I thought I read it wrong!" We had to go back and take this picture... At first I thought it meant "No Truks", but we found out it was "No Turns"... Pretty funny... No Turks nightly I guess..
I shit you not...
Bitch Alert!
If you encounter this individual on the street, be sure she'll do really stupid manouvers in front of you and THEN give you the finger...
que cheeeveres, las dos fotos, me encantan. Seguro medio mundo pasa por ahi y no se da cuenta, generalmente cuando la primera y la ultima letra de lo que esperamos leer esta ahi, no vemos los errores en la mitad, esta genial pero.
Sobre la dama del carro rojo....jajaja