Thursday, April 27
Loop Recorder Insertion:


On monday I got this thing put into my chest:

Here, is my journey: (Mami, don't cry!)

My I.V.!:

Before you judge me, last time I got an i.v. I was like five years old... so all this was very novel to me! I mean, look at the pretty colors! Also, when I was little they had to tape my hand to a plank of wood, now the needles are bendy! How cool is that??

This is the "before" picture... Yeah, I look like shit, BUT we had to leave the house at 5:00 A.M.! I'd like to see how you look at five in the freaking morning...

Here's sweet Brock, by my side -almost- the entire time... He's been so great throughout all this.

The "after" picture!

See? I look even worse! and at this point I was very doped up... Here they are giving me juice and crackers so I could take Vicodin... yeah, even more dope... They had just wheeled me out of the O.R. where it was chilly so they wrapped me up in warm towells.

Here I am when they moved me to my very own room ($$$). Notice the lack of towells and goofy smile:

Vicodin had kicked in...

Hospital gadgettery:

Maybe it was the drugs, but I thought everyone there was super super nice! Here is very sweet nurse Esther:

Finally I made it home... still groggy, and by this point, very nauseous:

Dexter giving me all the love he's got:

Imagine waking up to this everyday:

Brock figuring out the ice packs:

Seriously, how freaking cute is that??

Well, you can't have him, he's mine!

And that's it!

I still look like shit, but it all hurts a lot less. Brock still just as sweet and attentive, Dexter just as handsome!
posted by alex at 10:16 PM |


At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
En Español!!!!
Pobre pana conectada a la casetera... espero pronto puedan dar con el asunto y que te den medicinas que te dejen perfeeeecta para siempre!!!!!

In english!!!!
Hi my friend.. you better stop watching porno movies... so you makes your heart lives at 100Km/H...

sinceros deseos,


At 8:28 PM, Blogger Carolina Ampudia said........
querido monicon loco, por fin me siento a ponerte tu comentario, espero que estes feliz, jajaja. no, si tenia ganas de ponerte algo, es que se me hizo super simpatico, pobre tu, no es precisamente lo mas divertido pasar por esas marometas, pero ya paso y ahora tienes tu propio interruptor incluido. ..asegurate de que tu marido no se entere, jajaja.
y si, ya, tu perro esta lindo, blablabla, por que tienes que comer pan alfrente del pobre? yo quiero al menos un perro mio de mi, que se alegre de verme y espere y me oiga si me da por hablarle y me de besitos....que demonios, algun rato.
no estoy en mi fase mas divertida, como habras notado, pero queria dejate este abracito electronico, te hecho mucho de menos! y no me importa que hablamos peor que pelados por tel a cada rato, igual me haces falta.

te quiedo mucho


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........


gracias por el super comentario


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Loop recorder? y eso? por que? para que? Espero que estes bien... a pesar de todo. Te mando un abrazote.