On monday I got this thing put into my chest:

My I.V.!:

Before you judge me, last time I got an i.v. I was like five years old... so all this was very novel to me! I mean, look at the pretty colors! Also, when I was little they had to tape my hand to a plank of wood, now the needles are bendy! How cool is that??
This is the "before" picture... Yeah, I look like shit, BUT we had to leave the house at 5:00 A.M.! I'd like to see how you look at five in the freaking morning...

Here I am when they moved me to my very own room ($$$). Notice the lack of towells and goofy smile:

Vicodin had kicked in...
Hospital gadgettery:

Finally I made it home... still groggy, and by this point, very nauseous:

Dexter giving me all the love he's got:

Imagine waking up to this everyday:

Brock figuring out the ice packs:

Seriously, how freaking cute is that??

Well, you can't have him, he's mine!
And that's it!
I still look like shit, but it all hurts a lot less. Brock still just as sweet and attentive, Dexter just as handsome!
Pobre pana conectada a la casetera... espero pronto puedan dar con el asunto y que te den medicinas que te dejen perfeeeecta para siempre!!!!!
In english!!!!
Hi my friend.. you better stop watching porno movies... so you makes your heart lives at 100Km/H...
sinceros deseos,