This is a place I keep to share with friends and family the fun
times we have and whatever other weirdness happens to fly by when one
of us is holding a camera.♥♥♥
Click on images for larger versions!♥♥♥
Comments are highly encouraged!♥♥♥
It is SO BEAUTIFUL here! I say it a lot because it's almost shocking, everyday. We "discovered" this amazing Japanese park today, Kubota Gardens. It looked like it would rain but it didn't and we had a great time exploring it, thinking how awesome it's going to be when my mom comes and we can take her there. And they allow dogs in!!
Digo lo mismo que tu mami: WOW!! Lomalo es q no creo que podamos ir, por lo menos esta vez... Y no te he comentado nada antes, pues no he abierto el blog ultimamente. Me encanta sentirte tan contenta !!
I can not wait to get there