He's A Double Agent... Man...

Mi suegrilla ha regresado de las tierras rusas. Nos trajo regalos bien alajas! Esta camiseta que le trajo al Brock es, como dice ella, "la mas fea que encontré!" Por su puesto, al Brock le encantó! (Dice KGB en ruso) A mi me trajo una camiseta del Hard Rock Cafe de Mockba (Moscú), una muñequita, y un joyerito plenazo. Tomo muchas fotos bien plenas, y cuando me den una copia he de subir unas para que vean :)
Nancy got back from the Russia on saturday!! Underslept but with good stories and fun pictures and lots of goodies... such as these, which are on display on the Brock. The shirt says K.G.B in russian speak, and he's wearing some sort of faux military hat complete with faux military patches and pins, all sold pre-pinned to the hat.
There is a picture of me with my own parahernalia, but I ain't postin' it 'cause I ain't lookin' too pretty in it... Suffice it to say, it's all very cool, and I'm very happy with it!
Those are nice!!!