Monday, June 13
On Sunday...

We hung out with the Piets... Posted by Hello

Le visitamos al Pieter...

Brock did some more carwashing... Posted by Hello

El Boroc lavo el Saturn...

And the wiener got scared pantless... Posted by Hello

Y casi le infartamos al salchichin de la antena...

Fructifero el dominguito...
posted by alex at 7:36 PM |


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Carolina Ampudia said........
que rico dominguito, el mio tambien estuvo productivo, me exorcisaron, jajaja, cacho, pero me confese a los anios que rico.

Es increible el efecto que tiene en mi eso de ir a contarle a un desconocido lo mal que me porto de cuando en vez.

Pobre salchichin, dejense de cosas, el que culpa tiene?

TQM monicon loco, ya no me cambies por tus mullos!.
Chau, mua mua

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
La limpieza les puede matar, dicen que con una vez al año, estese o no estese sucio, es mas que suficiente
Les quiero mucho

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Is that John-Pieter-Ritter I see sitting on the backseat?? Hey!!!! longtime no see!! I hear you will be visiting my homeland soon, you better watchout they still have three's company in the regular TV schedule in Ecuador, you might be asked for an autograph! :D

Solo tomando fotos mientras lava los carros el pobre vrohc, agarra el waipe y ayuda!!
besitoooos :D

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Alex said........
Por lo menos tomo la foto! Pudiera tranquilamente quedarme dentro del carro cantando solita... Disfrutando mis momentos de paz... JAJAJA

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
podrias..... podrias

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Alex said........
oh... veo

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Whoah, who's that attractive, *thin* gentleman in the back of your car?

Watch it Veronica! I might die of a heart attack and then you'll be sad and feel bad for the rest of your days!

"Three's Company" in regular rotation? Sweet! That's better than watching "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" in Denmark!