This is a place I keep to share with friends and family the fun
times we have and whatever other weirdness happens to fly by when one
of us is holding a camera.♥♥♥
Click on images for larger versions!♥♥♥
Comments are highly encouraged!♥♥♥
Brock, Mister Pieter and I are all going down to the motherland this coming Christmas break. I'm so excited!
I've started a little travel planning page in Yahoo... (yahoo rocks, and google rocks, msn sucks big ass). Here it is, and of course I'm adding more stuff:
As I said, me mom was here for a week, and we had the fun time! Here we are having a picnic on Griffith park, on a nice sunny patch of the green bit. Brock got me pine cones for my b-day (as I also said, I'm still milking it)
It's my birthday! Well, it was... but I'm still riding it! My LOVELIEST of lovelies, my sweet, wonderful mommy was here for the week, and we had a great time together. As you can see: