This is a place I keep to share with friends and family the fun
times we have and whatever other weirdness happens to fly by when one
of us is holding a camera.♥♥♥
Click on images for larger versions!♥♥♥
Comments are highly encouraged!♥♥♥
Yes folks, there's a place called Puyallup, and it's pronounced Pee-ooh-ah-lip, which makes it odder. There's been a fair going on so we finally made our way there and saw:
Funky squashes
Overweight pumpkins Multiple misuse of apostrophes Hairy ass cow things Oh, by the way, my hair is brown again Remember kids: Finally found out what the hell a Watusi is And for your enjoyment, the obligatory night time picture of a ferris wheel
Then my camera ran out of juice so that's all you get.