Ok, so here are a few pictures from Brock's camera that I only re-discovered tonight. A couple are a little old, but who cares!
This one's from that one day when it snowed. I had to use a kitchen spatula to clear the windows!

Here's the boy with Maggi's husband Matt, that same weekend, playing the Wii. I think here they're racing cows from WiiPlay. And the pup's taking a nap on the recliner, there, all balled up, pretending to be a cushion.

In the meantime, Maggi (sorry, no pictures of Maggi that day! wtft??) and I were playing SPEED with Snoopy cards. As you can see from the crazed look in my eyes, we were WAY into it.

This one's from last week. I had a bad head cold. I slept a lot. Puppy slept a lot too. Some of the time he did so on top of me. Look into the EYE.

When pencils go bad. His hair is getting long and covering his preeeetty little eyes! It's also getting long enough to wear a pencil bun a-la-pebbles.