Monday, September 1
The Truck Show at Brooks, OR

One of the weekends we drove down to Oregon to go to the truck show in Brooks. So neat! I don't usually care about trucks, but it's something else to see shiny, beautiful trucks lined up.

The night before at the hotel, Dexter was keeping watch:

I know nothing of mechanics so I found out later that these cool jars are in fact batteries:

Line of Mack trucks:

Line of vintage tractors. These were awesome, they look like old trains:

Woah, shiny hubcap, there!

This one truck was like the Superman of trucks. Big, shiny, and everything was red an blue:

Hold on guys, my ride is here!

Insert your own pipe joke here...

Dexter actually barked and the Mack bulldog. Yeesh...

Tiny, functional versions of Freightliner COEs.

Old school Dodge truck:

Here we are riding a trolley:

posted by alex at 1:14 AM |


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
like the vintage tractors!!!! like, like them!!!