Saturday, January 31
Lemon Soufle Pudding

What follows is lemony awesomeness. Recipe found HERE.

Topped with espumilla (beaten egg whites with sugar, which I haven't had since elementary school... hell yes, uncooked! screw the risk of salmonella, totally worth it!):

lemon pudding on the bottom, tangy spongy cake on top

posted by alex at 10:47 PM | 2 comments

I'm tired of the cold. So today I'm gonna pretend it's Spring, here's some plantage!

They need prettier pots... but they're still alive!

posted by alex at 10:29 PM | 2 comments

Tuesday, January 13
Hey Dex!

What you're up to?

such cuteness! such squintiness!

doggie purr
posted by alex at 8:30 PM | 1 comments

Walking around Sculpture Park:

With all the snow melting and all the -real- rain we've been having, Snoqualmie Falls have swollen to I think about 10 times their normal flow!

This was really crazy. We stayed on the top deck and the water came up so high I was struggling to keep my eyes open!

We all ended up pretty wet, you can see my hair is nearly soaked...
posted by alex at 8:12 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, January 11

Took the Mom and the Chris to the Fremont Troll and the Ballard Locks

The Chris and The Brock

The Us

The other Us

posted by alex at 7:47 PM | 2 comments

Feliz Año Nuevo!! We celebrated at Chris and Hillary's, Ecuadorian style:

Grape chugging:

Año Viejo burning:

And generally having a good ole time! (getting drunkered while setting things on fire)
posted by alex at 7:18 PM | 0 comments

Back home! and to welcome us, snow!

Look ma! they're kissing!

But snow stops being cute when you have to cut it with a spatula...

Half of it had melted by the time we got back, so we didn't get the worst of it. Well, it's gone now, hopefully for good this year!
posted by alex at 7:03 PM | 0 comments

Before Christmas Nancy and I went on a baking spree! eeee!

...just a spoonful of sugar...

Georgina stayed on the sidelines

And then the rest of the family arrived!

Cousin Brett and Callie

Georgina actually wanted to hang with me!

The Youngins

My sweetie pie!

posted by alex at 6:10 PM | 0 comments