Loving this summer time weather this early in the year!

Even got me a hat!

Mid last week we had a "heat wave" and we had some good, warm, drunkered times at the Skylark:

Chris got a hold of the camera and played with the color replacement effects:

Went to Full Tilt for the first time, a local ice creamery in White Center
(which I JUST found out, is vegan!):

And had MORE good backyard fun!
(be prepared to see lots more of these)

(click for close up airborne Moss)

played some chair bocce:

(too hot to handle... right ladies??)

don't fear the glowy whiteness, it's just me :)
posted by alex at 1:39 PM |


At 4:46 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
con toda esa "exposición" no deberías estar menos fantasmal?

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Alex said........
cualquierita diria no??