Hoy nos fuimos a una matiné de Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, que apropósito, MUY BUENA!! Me gusto mucho mas que la original. A la original la tengo en la misma categoría que Bambi, Alicia en el país de las maravillas y Dumbo... O sea, películas terribles que ningún guagua debería ver. Ésta versión, en cambio, me pareció que tuvo mas mensaje, aunque si, talvez el humor es mas dirigido para adultos... pero qué película infantil no lo es? Bueno, aparte de Barney y los Teletubbies...
Luego del cine nos fuimos a Tito's Tacos (aggggg, cual homero) y nos fuimos a comer... como buenos ecuatoranazos, al parque! He aqui la documentación gráfica:
Willy Wonka rules! I might have to go see it again... We went this morning, to "avoid the crowds". Well the room was full, and half of the people there were kids. I thought, great, this'll be a noisy experience... BUT NO! I've never been in a room with that many well behaved kids! I may have been the loudest person in there (I tend to get carried away when I laugh, as I'm sure a few of you know already), Brock elbowed me at one point for humming to a song too loudly (sorry).
Well, after the movie we went for Tito's! And then had a nice picnic in a park in Culver city :) It was lovely and the grass was the softest grass I've ever sat/laid/walked on. I hope there were no ants... We'll see...

Mmmmm.... Taaacooosss...

This is what happiness looks like...

Como buena serrana...

The park's wild life...

Supe que vas con tu marido a Quito, que envidia!! se van a las fiestas tambien o solo la Navidad??
Que Dios les bendiga a los dos
Tu abuelita Tilala
Me pongo todos los dias los lapices de labios que me mandaste, gracias m'hijita