Saturday, October 21
Garden Bench!!!

Well, a week and the grass hasn't died yet :)

Today Brock's dad came down and helped us big time in setting up the bench and the sprinklers:

Here is the bench, post gravel, pre wood:

Dad in action:

Cutest possible audience:


Dexter approved!

Here Brock's installing the gate Dad built:

My boys:

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posted by alex at 1:27 PM |


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
That looks so nice! great job fellow gardener, welcome to the club!!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
YAY!!!! It looks awesome!!! Y'all are SUPER Gardeners and Carpenters!!! Sweetness...when the party?

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
the party will be when I get there, right?