Thursday, March 6
In Batches

Brock's parents came to visit for a (too short!) week and we had a great time while they were here. We all like taking pictures, so there's a ton. From said ton I'm posting very few, and still there are lots, so I'm doing it in batches.

First. This one came in Nancy's camera, it's Brock as he was leaving Lancaster on his way here. Note Dexter in his crate all short haired.

Our first day out:

We drove around for a bit looking for the Ballard Locks, which are like a mini Panama Canal that lets boats through to Lake Washington from Puget Sound (and vice versa). We were lost for a little bit, but then some kind homeless guys told us the way

And we got there and it was cool:

But kind of slow. So we left.

In search of a Troll:

This guy was built by the people in that neighborhood as a project to bring the community together. That thing under his left hand is a Beattle. An actual Volkswagen Beattle. I guess someone had one lying around and they used it as a prop! The Troll lives under a bridge, and people come a take pictures of it. He seems happy to be there.

Couldn't resist, me own biddle troll:

We drove around some more. Went to the floating houses in Lake Union, then drove around West Settle and Alki beach and stopped at a park that has a kick ass view of the Seattle skyline. But I'm posting the following picture:

For one reason. See me? at the edge of that hill? There was an EAGLE sitting there, like, 8 yards from us. A bona fied, real life, flesh and bone, bright white feathers all over its head, eagle. And I called out EAGLE! EAGLE! EAGLE! which of course, scared the eagle away. But the thing was, NO ONE PAID ANY ATTENTION TO ME. No one else saw the eagle. And to tell you the truth, I don't think anyone really believes me. BUT I HAVE A BLOG, and I can tell the world that I saw an Eagle. And since everything you read on the internet is the truth, I don't have to try to convince anyone, because now it's a fact.

End batch one.
posted by alex at 4:28 PM |


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
everything that you read on the internet is the truth? that is a bona fide lie!!!!
but i do believe you on the eagle thing, i had a hawk here the other day, so, we are on the same boat
you'll have to take me to all those places next time i go there
Love you lots!!!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
oh, and i think i saw the troll on one of our drives when we went to see the floating houses!!!!

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Alex said........
mmm... no you didn't.
but you will! next time!

honestly, i didn't know he existed back then.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Matthew Masterson said........
Dude! I want to leave somewhere, were there is a troll living underneath a bridge! Hope you and Brock are doing well, a friend down south.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
yes i did, i did see it even if you didn't!!!

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
I believed you Alex!!! Really!!!
Only, I was so busy being paranoid about locking the car doors that I missed the damn eagle!!!