First. This one came in Nancy's camera, it's Brock as he was leaving Lancaster on his way here. Note Dexter in his crate all short haired.

Our first day out:
We drove around for a bit looking for the Ballard Locks, which are like a mini Panama Canal that lets boats through to Lake Washington from Puget Sound (and vice versa). We were lost for a little bit, but then some kind homeless guys told us the way

And we got there and it was cool:

In search of a Troll:

This guy was built by the people in that neighborhood as a project to bring the community together. That thing under his left hand is a Beattle. An actual Volkswagen Beattle. I guess someone had one lying around and they used it as a prop! The Troll lives under a bridge, and people come a take pictures of it. He seems happy to be there.
Couldn't resist, me own biddle troll:

We drove around some more. Went to the floating houses in Lake Union, then drove around West Settle and Alki beach and stopped at a park that has a kick ass view of the Seattle skyline. But I'm posting the following picture:

End batch one.
everything that you read on the internet is the truth? that is a bona fide lie!!!!
but i do believe you on the eagle thing, i had a hawk here the other day, so, we are on the same boat
you'll have to take me to all those places next time i go there
Love you lots!!!