Sunday, March 9
Super Easy BEER Bread!

Bread. My gateway drug.

I'm having issues uploading pictures tonight, but somehow I managed to get this one up. I was going to post batch II, but it looks like it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, I share with you this!

I've been thinking about making bread for the last few days... Well, more like fantasizing about it. Those of you who know me, know about my weakness (lust) for bread. I found THIS RECIPE online at, and I share it with you.

Apparently the trick is in pre-sifting the flour, then measuring it. It only needs flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, butter and BEEEEER. All of which I already had! I used Heineken Premium Light. Easy peacy!

It came out SO good. And it was just too easy. Which means that I'll make it a LOT.
posted by alex at 11:28 PM |


At 7:52 AM, Blogger Marisol said........
OMG, that looks so good!!
I already printed the recipe to do it myself mmmmmmmm
probably is a family thing this weakness that we have for bread
we will have to think more about this


love you!!!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Margarita Primavera said........
Es bueno saber que le podemos hechar la culpa a la familia por esta maravillosa adiccion :)
Acabo de imprimir la receta y ya sabemos cual es mi plan para esta tarde :D