Saturday, January 27
Hearst Castle

Back in November, when my mom came to visit, the three of us took a bit of a road trip and went to Hearst Castle!! (see? I am going through the pictures still in the camera!)

(he be looking skinny hot!)

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posted by alex at 12:18 PM | 4 comments

Sunday, January 21
Other Random Acts Of Cooking

Blueberry pancakes!
(these came before the recently discovered dutchbabies, I'm slow to catch up)

My first -successful- attempt at llapingachos. Very proud of myself, note the avocado and fried eggs for an added sense of realness.

I've started to go through my camera's memory card... Expect random and out of chronological order pictures... or not... don't pressure me!

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posted by alex at 11:23 PM | 0 comments

And skin and meat and all the juicy bits! A close up of the loop recorder. Or a camera put in my chest by the C.I.A. Orrrr, a probe inserted by one of those pesky little green men. YOU DECIDE!!

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posted by alex at 11:13 PM | 4 comments

Tuesday, January 16
Dutch Baby

Dutch babies are oven baked pancakes I learned about from watching QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY!! Granted, I was watching because of work, but still, the Fab Five has come through yet again!

This is the coolest thing ever! easy too! There are a lot of variations of the recipe online, and I combined a couple of them to achieve THIS:

ISN'T IT COOL?? You bake it either in a pie dish or in an oven safe skillet (We have no pie dishes... hint... hint...) in a hot oven and it inflates and grows upwards!! It starts deflating when you take it out of the oven but the sides stay pretty high:

The puff is gone but it's delicious, specially with some fruit and syrup. Traditionally it is served with confectioner's sugar, fruit and a few lemon drops.


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posted by alex at 3:01 PM | 5 comments

Meet my new bluetooth headset:

I got the pink one!! EES so cute!

Weird though, it's gonna have to take some getting used to not having a wire connecting my ear to my phone...

Let's pretend three months didn't go by and I didn't post anything other than MY NEW CELL PHONE AND MY NEW HEADSET... because that would make me look incredibly shallow considering that during these last few months, Brock's birthday, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years went by, the most family intensive dates of all year, and all I can post is look! I got new toys!! Let's say that I was so busy loving my peoples that I had no time for trivialities like blogpostings and plantwatering... (miraculously, our yard is still green!)

Love you All!! Sorry I'm an idiot.

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posted by alex at 6:50 PM | 2 comments