Tuesday, January 16
Dutch Baby

Dutch babies are oven baked pancakes I learned about from watching QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY!! Granted, I was watching because of work, but still, the Fab Five has come through yet again!

This is the coolest thing ever! easy too! There are a lot of variations of the recipe online, and I combined a couple of them to achieve THIS:

ISN'T IT COOL?? You bake it either in a pie dish or in an oven safe skillet (We have no pie dishes... hint... hint...) in a hot oven and it inflates and grows upwards!! It starts deflating when you take it out of the oven but the sides stay pretty high:

The puff is gone but it's delicious, specially with some fruit and syrup. Traditionally it is served with confectioner's sugar, fruit and a few lemon drops.


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posted by alex at 3:01 PM |


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
definitivamente se ve bueno, habra que tratarlo

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Carolina Ampudia said........
directo a la venaaaaaaaaaaaa

bueno, claro, la otra opcion es agarrarle y untarlo directamente en las caderas, jajaja, menos tramite.

se ve rico, un dia que me desaga de los viejos hago para mis hermanuchos y mua

ya oye, ya te dejo dos comments, y vos no apareces!!!


At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Alex said........
bien que te mueres de las ganas, RUFIAN!

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
...cuando me vas a invitar a desayunar a tu casa!!?? Esther