Here's part Two:
We went to MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry). It focuses on Seattle's history and industry, and it's a good place to take kids. It has loads of interactive fun stuff. Here's our short, floating fireman friend. I have to say as far as firemen go, this one, not too hot.

Um... the roof seems to be on fire there

I am Dracul. I vil suck your blohd.

This is what video games used to be like. Grand Theft Auto, old school.

Nancy and I playing can the Salmon. I got a splinter in my finger.


From there we went on to Pike's Market.

Nancy got to see the o.g. Starbucks, with the naughty logo.

This is from a dirty but otherwise alright park near the market. Neat view.

Brock gave me that totem. I'm such a lucky girl!

You can see Mt. Rainier behind the stadiums.

You know how in earthquake movies freeways collapse down on the lower levels? I almost always think of that when driving south on the 99.

End batch II!
we didn't get like 5 pics!!
But the ones that we did get: nice!!!