These are pictures of when we went to the Museum of Flight. Which was AWESOME! And I'm not that big into planes to begin with. This place really has some amazing exhibits and we had a great time here.

This is the lunar rover thing. The wheels are MESH. Oh how cool would it have been to touch it! But I didn't.

Ok, this is a module like the ones that get connected to the International Space Station. See HERE. It was so cool in there I totally spaced it (get it?) and didn't take any pictures. I actually got very emotional, they have a window with video of what it's like to see the Earth from up there and I lost it. Fun fact: They can fit 2 of these in the Space Shuttle.

Brock sitting in an SR71. Blackbird. Or so he says.

This is the "Great Gallery".

Here Brock and I were attempting, and failing, to space walk. Brock ran out of fuel and I crashed into some extremely expensive space equipment. We are SO fired!

Resting the feets!

Oh, ok, this thing is SpaceShipOne. I didn't see it when we were there, Dennis took this picture. I would have LOVED to see it and I kick myself for missing it. It's the first ever privately funded ship to bring a human up into space. In 2004 it won the X Prize for reaching an altitude of 100kms and a bunch of other really important firsts. Brock and I followed it closely back then and it was really exciting stuff. I think Virgin bought it and they'll use the technology to start private spacetravel. Yeah. Oh, to be rich and powerful.

They have a Concorde and an Air Force One

The famous Hairways Concorde.

Inside Air Force One. JFK flew in this one. They don't let you sit here.

Some very important people peed in this bathroom.

The Suters!!

A beautiful exhibit of WWII planes. The upstairs was all WWI.

About to pee my pants because this fake hot air balloon basket thing was really high and ree-heeealy shaky.

In the "Red Barn Building" which I believe was the Boeing's first headquarters.

A map of old Seattle. We found out that where we live used to be called Dungland or something. I wonder why they changed the name...

Big airplane part thingie.

Edumacation is fun!

Yay! End Batch III!
that's ok, someday!!!