Tuesday, April 15
Mmmmmmoooorrr Baking!

I'm telling you, it's the wave of the future! How come no one ever talked about how much fun this is?? Have nothing to do? BAKE! Feeling creative but don't have much money to spend? BAKE! Craving something delicious but feeling too lazy to go out and drive around? BAKE I SAY!

More tuna casserole!

Blueberry Scones!
This was my first batch. They came out a little brown, but tasted great!


I keep a bag of frozen berries, best-ingredient-ever. And this internet business, it's so cool to be able to browse thousands of recipes whenever you want. Today I had some ricotta and I didn't want it to go bad. Found this Ricotta Squares recipe and voila! Deliciousness accomplished.

I loveloveLOVE my kitchen and all the fun I have in it. If you would have told me when I was 16 I was going to end up like this I would have choked on my beer and burned a hole in my jeans when I dropped my cigarette...

Although, I may not be a completely lost cause. Besides baking, I have discovered video games too :)
posted by alex at 12:12 AM |


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Marisol said........
and to think that i pay for those deliciousness!!!

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Justo me meto atu pagina cuando me estoy muriendo de hambre... rats!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Matthew Masterson said........
Man Alex, those look so good. I bet Brock has gained a thousand pounds while being up there! Better for him because it's cold any ways. I wish I had some time to learn how to bake. I just know the grill and how to cook some stuff on the stove, never really tried baking.

Hope all is well,

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Alex said........
Actually, we've BOTH LOST WEIGHT! Crazy! Hope it lasts heheh

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Yummy!! why did you have to move away, that looks better than Portos :0)