More tuna casserole!

Blueberry Scones!
This was my first batch. They came out a little brown, but tasted great!
This was my first batch. They came out a little brown, but tasted great!


I keep a bag of frozen berries, best-ingredient-ever. And this internet business, it's so cool to be able to browse thousands of recipes whenever you want. Today I had some ricotta and I didn't want it to go bad. Found this Ricotta Squares recipe and voila! Deliciousness accomplished.
I loveloveLOVE my kitchen and all the fun I have in it. If you would have told me when I was 16 I was going to end up like this I would have choked on my beer and burned a hole in my jeans when I dropped my cigarette...
Although, I may not be a completely lost cause. Besides baking, I have discovered video games too :)